Another of my goals for 2008 is to cook more creatively. Officially the grocery shopping and cooking is all my job, but a lot of times Sarah ends up doing things. I haven't felt very culinarily inspired in the frenzy of life this past few months. My goal is that at least once a week I'll cook something creative. My theory is that I'll try to cook more ethnic food. It lends itself to being a bit less mundane. The food blogging would get pretty boring with the couple of dozen things we've been eating on a regular basis.
Part of the lack of food creativity is that I've been very satisfied creatively at work and felt realitively tapped by the time I'd get home of an evening. I figure if I actually take time to plan a creative meal during my down time I should be able to cook at least one a week. Planning to have one adventurous meal a week may result in more pizza being ordered (a common result when I first started experimenting with food), but my guess is that since I'm a much more proficient cook than I was 10 years ago I should be able to salvage most things.