New School Year – Green Room Launch

Classes have been in session at Missouri State for about three weeks now and we're in full swing with our college ministry. It's been an eye opening experience to go through the process of discernment, vision casting, planning, and launching a new worship location. We wrapped up our first series on Sunday, a discussion about key relationships called My Circle. We launch a new series this weekend with corresponding small groups. Some parts of the launch have gone smoothly and others have gone not as smoothly. Overall though I'm amazed at what God has been doing through the students and on the campus. 

The new semester also marks another semester of seminary classes for me. This fall I'm focusing on coursework related to Old Testament study. I'll be academically tackle the New Testament in the spring. I've found that while my coursework is dramatically different from the students at MSU being having classes helps me in relating to the college life.

Some things I'll probably write about in the future (posted in an effort to make me blog more often):

  • marketing strategies on campus – successes and failures
  • initial thoughts on team sermon writing
  • our approach to discipleship
  • more about our model – planting a multisite campus focused on college students