Moving to WordPress has been my blog home since I started posting regularly enough to keep archives back in 2003. The history of the site goes back to 1996, but in those days it was really just a repository of random links and file storage. The blog first started out on MovableType on a personal server within my datacenter (a perk of owning a software company) and focused primarily on food. Since that time the site has moved from a dedicated server to a virtual server to a shared hosting account and most recently to TypePad (basically all running MovableType).

I’ve debated the switch away from MT for a long time, but never made the leap. I’ve finally decided to make the switch to WordPress (back on the shared hosting). Sarah’s blog ( is still running on MT on the same account and will probably get moved to WP soon.

Each time I moved the site I made an effort to maintain the content from previous editions. Over the years a few images have been lost (and I haven’t spent time digging through iPhoto to repost them), but other than that the content has stayed intact. All of the content migration to WordPress went smoothly and with a few creative rewrite rules most people/search engines won’t notice broken links.

Not sure how many folks are still reading after my unplanned summer hiatus, but I thought I’d post my plans for the blog moving forward.

NT90: Right now at Schweitzer we’re spending September, October and November reading the New Testament together. I’m keeping a journal through the project and will be posting some of my notes here.

Cooking: I’m planning to return to more of the content that launched the site – recipes, cooking experiments and other things food related.

Ministry Topics: I’ll still post about the church, worship technology and communication. I’d never intended for it to be the focus of the site, but it’s how I spend most of my time.

General Life/Family Stuff: This will probably be the largest category. I’ll be posting whatever random things I think might be interesting or I want to share.

[If you’re reading this paragraph, you’re already reading it on the new WordPress site]