This fall as we were exploring what a new college ministry from Schweitzer would look like we thought it would be a good idea to talk with students about the idea. We gathered groups of students together and asked them four questions. This is a summary of their answers to one of those questions.
What would a new church for college students look like?
Students were very clear that having a regular, church worship service was important to them. They also wanted to have that worship in very close proximity to the college campus. Several said that even the edge of campus may not be close enough to attract some students. Numerous students stated that there were no modern worship offerings within walking distance of Missouri State [to our knowledge there is one modern worship gathering in downtown Springfield]. Most of the students expressed a preference for modern worship; only those growing up in church said they would attend a traditional worship. The time of the worship gathering was of importance to students – evenings primarily, or in the afternoon on Sundays. Students said they want to have a pastor rather than a campus ministry leader [sacraments are important to students who grew up in a church]. Students want a variety of opportunities to be in fellowship, worship, and service primarily with other students but also have opportunities to connect with older and younger generations.