That’s about it. Stay tuned for regular updates. I’m going to write everything I’ve thought about blogging but haven’t for whatever reason. I’ve got no real excuse for the lack of blogging.
There are several possible reasons for this hiatus:
- I’m bored with it
- I’m getting all the creative outlet I need at work
- I’m just too busy
- I’m not reading as many blogs
- Very little excitement in cooking anymore
None of these are really true though. I haven’t been cooking a lot lately, but I have done enough cooking/eating to warrant a post or two a week. I am really enjoying my new job — I’m getting to do a lot of old passions again (like video editing), but it’s not all creative wonderland (e.g. Mondays are filled mostly with meetings). I am busier than I used to be, but it’s really no excuse for not taking 5 minutes to post something. The increased business has decreased my reading time — reading others does inspire me to post more. Even with tools like Bloglines I find that the feeds I read get out of control quickly. I’m also finding that cooking doesn’t hold quite the same thrill it used to have for me. Like I said earlier, none of these are really excuses. We’ll see how well the return to blogging goes.