
Ability to use Flash rather than cfgrid via Flex. Ability to generate Flash forms live from CF. CF dynamically generates the MXML and routes it through the Flex display engine. You can even rapidly build a tabbed interface via simple CF tags. It will even do an accordian by changing one attribute. It’s even possible to bind the form fields …

IBM Eclipse Demo

IBM has been working with the Flex team to allow the Eclipse environment to interact with Flex. Eclipse is an open source IDE development tool. Demo of a MXML component editor that lets you edit both the raw MXML or a visual editor for the data. The editor in Eclipse is a javascript editor, but has been extended for AS2 …

Brady (the flex editor)

Rendering of SVG data for inline preview within Brady. This means SVG rendering in the Flash player. Actionscript components can be compiled/previewed in Brady via a roundtrip compile to the server (although the demo didn’t work). The demo of the MXML components crashed the app, but the repeat worked nicely. A network monitor is available to show http, trace statements, …


SVG can be used to create vector images in Flex. Components can be used in Flex. These components can be built in Flash and exported or you can even build them via MXML and Actionscript 2.0. This means that the Flash IDE isn’t needed in order to build applications that use components within Flex. Flex can also use stylesheets for …


So the purpose of this blog was jointly food and technology. I don’t know that I’ve posted anything tech related here yet. Odd since I spend all day working on computers. The technology should pick up though. We’re working on some major things. This week has been really long. We shipped the second version of our data acquisition software (Educara …